Contact lens? Why do you wear them?
When I was young, I told myself I'll never wear contact lens because I can't imagine myself touching my eyes. I saw my classmates back then wearing contact lens and I found them looking good but with the fear of touching my eyes and imagining how painful the process of putting them in might be, I just can't. But last 2014, I had to wear glasses because of myopia (nearsightedness). I tried wearing the most stylish specs but sometimes, glasses can really ruin your #ootd. So 2015, I decided to wear contact lens; graded contact lenses. And in 2 years of wearing them, I have had the love-hate relationship with CLs so here are my tips to CL users.
1. If you don't need to use them, do not.
I know CLs can make your look different. It can really upgrade your look. But we all know that CLs are foreign bodies in our eyes, they are never gonna be natural. And foreign bodies really have the tendency to irritate our eyes. If you do not need them, like your vision is already 20/20 and you don't need graded lenses, avoid wearing them. It just might incorrect your vision. But if you really wanna upgrade your look, just make sure not to use it frequently. I myself who needs to wear them everyday still find time not to use it on a daily basis because I want my eyes to rest. It has the tendency to scratch your cornea.
2. Buy CLs in an accredited Optical Shop
Oh my G! Girls, it's not just a foundation that you'll use on your face. Breakouts can be treated with topical solution but your vision cannot be replaced. I'm not saying that online stores selling CLs cannot be trusted but it's better to be safe than be blind.
*I buy at EO or at my ophthalmologist
3. Find a good CL solution and lubricant
CL solution is used for cleansing, disinfecting and removing proteins in our CLs. Sometimes CL solutions can also be used as lubricants. But there are also lubricants that were just made to lubricate our eyes but not to clean the contact lens. Not all CL solutions and lubricants will work for you. I tried solutions that sting my eyes so this part is also a trial and error.
* I use ALL Contact lens solution and Cationiorm as my lubricant
4. Wash your hands with soap before you put contact lens. Do not use alcohol or sanitizer.
Since you'll have direct contact with your eyes, clean hands are a must. Using sanitizers and alcohol will just sting your eyes.
5. Your contact lens case should be cleaned with your CL solution and not with tap water.
Oh yes girls, do not use tap water in cleaning your contact lens case. Tap water may have microorganisms that may be harmful to your eyes. Do not use tap water in cleaning your contact lens as well.
6. Even you don't feel the need to use lubricant, use them at mid-day just to ensure that your eyes won't be dry.
I am guilty of this. Sometimes I don't use lubricant because I don't feel like using it. But as per my trusted ophthalmologist, use it on mid-day.
7. If you are not using your contact lens everyday, store it in your contact lens case but change the solution every other day.
The effectivity of the solution to disinfect your CLs is just up to 2 days. So the optometrist at EO told me to change the solution every other day if I am not gonna use it.
8. Do not sleep with your contact lenses on.
Basic rule. It may lead to blindness. So if you just got home from work, immediately remove your contact lenses. Do not lie in bed because you might fall asleep. Hehehe
9. Check the appearance of your eyes after you put your CLs.
If you see and feel that your eyes are really irritated with them on, just remove them. Do not dwell with your gut feels that the redness will just subside. It may and it may not. Again, it's better to be safe than sorry.
10. When in doubt, visit your ophthalmologist or optometrist for advice.
Ophthalmologists are professionals who cure the diseases of the eyes while optometrists are professionals who prescribe glasses or contact lens for vision correction.
Let us love our eyes... 😊
Tips are based from personal experiences and advices from optometrist and ophthalmologist I visited before. My tips may or may not be applicable to your scenario.
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