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Problems with Acne? What is your shampoo?

               Shampoo may cause acne? Yes, you heard it right. If you are having big troubles with your acne your shampoo may be the culprit.Most of our shampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate.. This is an ingredient to make our shampoos foamy. Toothpaste, liquid soaps and some detergents also have this. For most people SLS is an irritant.
               For most, it cause allergies or acne. When I've had facial impurities, I asked my derma why I have these small itchy bumps on my forehead and on the sides of my face. She asked me what my shampoo is. Yes, because everytime we rinse, some of it may go to our face. Well during that time, I was using Head and Shoulders. Then she explained to me that most of the known shampoos in the market can cause allergies. "Masyado matapang". I think for some,it causes acne.
              She told me to use a baby shampoo. The mildness may help me solve my problem. I tried using Johnson and Johnson's No more Tears Shampoo. It was ok but my hair was full of tangles. Then I noticed that the bumps are still there. I tried to look for the right shampoo. Thanks to google for explaining it to me. I'm not alone. Most of the people in the US have this kind of dilemma and they used SLS-Free Shampoo. Shampoo without sulfate. I have also read an article when the girl loved how Tresemme made her hair so beautiful but noticed that she got BACNE. She found out it's because of the shampoo. Johnson & Johnson's also contain SLS so I tried looking for a local brand that is SLS-free.
                   I found one in watsons. The GOLDEN FABULOUZ KERATIN with ARGAN OIL Shampoo. 159.00 only. I've been using it for 3 months and so far my forehead is ok. To add, sulfate-free shampoo is good for treated hair like those who've been into Brazillian or Rebonding or Hair Coloring because it doesn't strip-off the color or the hair treatment solution. There are other brands aside from what I am using.(The said product has availability problems so I switched to Mondes Professional Morocco Argan Shampoo, also SLS-Free) Just try to look for the ingredients of the shampoo and say goodbye to shampoos with SLS. Take note, if you have pimples or allergies on your chin, maybe it's because of your toothpaste that also has SLS. Also try to look for SLS-free toothpaste. I am using Sensodyne. Or if you can't find SLS-free toothpaste , try using plain toothpaste, those that do not have any other colors, just the plain, white one. I hope I have helped. Be beautiful...Thanks for your time . :)


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